👋 Welcome !
It's great to see you here!
Before you get started, you should know that we expect everyone to abide by the following community guidelines:
🤲 Give first & often
This is a community and collaboration is key. Actively seek to help others.
🤗 All are welcome
All genders, ethnicities, nationalities, sexual orientations, abilities and experience (startup related or not) are welcome.
👿 No unacceptable behaviour
No form of discrimination, intimidation or harassment (verbal, physical or sexual) is welcome here.
👍 Be supportive
Debate and critical thought is welcome. Seek to develop others, not criticise them. Remember, everyone starts at no knowledge.
🙅♀️ No sales
This is a platform to build your knowledge and network. Please don't flog your wares to other founders. When caught, you'll get the boot 👞.
These community guidelines sit alongside the Terms of Use and all community members are held accountable to these standards.
Now go and be awesome!
🤝 Happy connecting!