Register with the NSW startup community on Ramen Life
It's great to see you here!
Before you get started, you should know that we expect everyone to abide by the following community guidelines:
This is a community and collaboration is key. Actively seek to help others.
All genders, ethnicities, nationalities, sexual orientations, abilities and experience (startup related or not) are welcome.
No form of discrimination, intimidation or harassment (verbal, physical or sexual) is welcome here.
Debate and critical thought is welcome. Seek to develop others, not criticise them. Remember, everyone starts at no knowledge.
This is a platform to build your knowledge and network. Please don't flog your wares to other founders. When caught, you'll get the boot 👞.
These community guidelines sit alongside the Terms of Use and all community members are held accountable to these standards.
Now go and be awesome!
🤝 Happy connecting!